About o_O


On Twitter, whenever a member does not upload a photo or avatar, the graphic defaults to the above o_O image. For the first day of Flash Story's life, this was my avatar as well.

While I want to remain anonymous, I'd rather not default to the house graphic. It's one thing to be anonymous but quite another to be boring, so I sought to create my own avatar.

But what does o_O mean? At first, I assumed that it meant something like "Yet another anonymous poster," so based on that premise, I developed my own graphic based on the o_O symbol: different but the same idea of anonymity.

Dress up o_O, and they will come.

Then I did a little digging.

According to Wikipedia, o_O means "shocked or disturbed."


I didn't realize Twitter had so many shocked and disturbed users, but apparently that's the case.

Okay, so then the message my graphic sends out:

I'm disturbed and shocked, but it's all dressed up and fancy; moreover, the dash in the symbol reminds me of the iconic Monolith from Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. So it's all good.

If I were more graphically adept, I would be able to make that underscore float around in outer space--what fun that would be!

So that's the story of how my avatar came into existence.

Read my story tweets on Anonymous!


1 comment:


    The Sun of the day and the Moon of the night have an untold legend. A long time ago, the moon accidentally fell for the Sun. The Sun, being fierce and radiant turned down the Moon, being wan and pale. The Moon was devastated. She couldn’t forget her love nevertheless, she kept it all together so well that the Sun even doubted that she even had feelings for him, unlike normal feminine quality of annoyance, pestering and the like.

    One day, at an early dusk, the Sun confessed that he has feelings for the Moon. The Moon ridiculed the very thought and refused to comply with the Sun, and so the Sun in a fit of rage, shined its brightest causing great humidity. Seeing this, the Moon conceded.Image result for images of the sun and the moon

    The Moon: I have been taught that when it’s over leave!

    The Sun: what if it’s not over?

    The Moon: yeah, it’s not over because there was no beginning.

    The Sun: stop being a child!

    The Moon: says the Einstein!

    The Sun: Moon and buffoon sounds quite rhyming!

    The Moon: Sun and Bun is fun as well!

    The Sun: I’m getting angry!

    The Moon: Exactly!

    The Sun: Come again?!

    The Moon: we are not meant to be! If we were, why would we be fighting like this? This is where I belong.

    The Sun: You’re highly egoistic!

    The Moon: Tell me again, why You, The Fierce, Bright and Radiant, fell for me, The Wan and Pale!

    The Sun: I’ve nothing to say!

    The Sun was over raged, and so he agreed to marry the Lotus, as it was decided. But, nearing his nuptial, he realized that he couldn’t accept the Lotus. So, the Sun asked the Sky to arrange a rendezvous with the Moon at Dawn.

    At dawn, they met.

    The Moon: Hey..

    The Sun: Hey? Is that all you got? My nuptial is nearing? Did you even love me? How can you..
    I want to tell you something very important. And whatever I say is coming from within. I want your honest and sincere answer after carefully analyzing the situation. And..

    The Moon: Okay.

    The Sun: I love you. I miss you. I want us to be together. And I know at heart that you feel the same. I don’t know how you hide it so well. But, now I even doubt so.

    The Moon: I do love you. I do miss you. I want us to be together as well. I know we fight a lot, but after each fight we love each other more. But, the Sun belongs to the Day and the Moon belongs to the night. We have our responsibilities. We must never fail them, else the universe will be no more.

    Image result for images of the sun and the moon

    The Sun: What about us?

    The Moon: We shouldn’t be selfish. We should think about others around us. The entire day is counting on you & the entire night is counting on me. Our love will fade in time. You should marry The Lotus.

    The Sun: will I see you again?

    The Moon: That is no longer required. All bonds are severed here and now.

    The Sun: As you wish!

    And so they parted. The Sun married the lotus. At the night of their marriage, thunder and lightning waged war in the sky, the tides revolted in anger, the sky was darker than black, a pall of gloom and despair surrounded the atmosphere and the Moon sought resort to the Darkness and rained down tears of sorrow.

    Never again, the Sun saw the Moon. But, sometimes, the Moon at the break of dawn sneaked a peek, with none noticing.

    And thus, her love was long forgotten.

    I’d like to ask you something,
    Dear Moon, do you regret your decision?
